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Remembering VYTT 2016

25 Dec

     Before the year ends, I just wanted to share one of the best things that happened to me in 2016.  And not just for the year, I will never forget this experience for the rest of my life.  This life changing month took place in Yoga+ Salcedo Village, Makati, last February 15 to March 11, 2016.


I really had no idea what I got myself into.  I never really thought I would end up teaching yoga.  I signed up just because.  Just because I needed to deepen my own practice, maybe? Something in me just kept saying, just do it or else you’ll regret it.  So I signed up before the early early bird rate expired. Haha! Thanks to one of my besties and business partner, Isabel, who swiped her card on the day of the deadline. No turning back now.


So I went through the training.  Got up at 5am every morning to make it to the studio by 6am.  I am not a morning person.  But I just kept waking up every morning during the training excited.  Excited to see my co-trainees, excited to see my teachers, excited to start my day doing meditation and our daily asana practice. But I must admit, not all days were sunshine and rainbows.  There were days when I’d question myself again, “Why am I here?”  There were days when I wanted to give up and felt like I just wanted to get it over with.


After four weeks of sleepless nights, a million chaturangas, so much information on anatomy, yoga poses and philosophy all jumbled up in my brain, I did it.  I can’t believe I am a certified yoga instructor.  I am teaching yoga in studios, applying all that I’ve learned during teacher training.  It’s all starting to sink in now… why I did teacher training.  It wasn’t just about becoming a yoga teacher but I wanted to be a better human being. I am at peace with myself, learning to accept my own strengths and weaknesses.  And that it’s okay to be me 🙂

I look up to all my teachers.  I never realized how much energy it takes to lead a yoga class.  You give so much of yourself to people you don’t even know.  To my teachers, Neil, Aisa and Ryan, a big thank you for sharing your precious time and a part of who you are with us 🙂

To all my co-teacher trainees, I am grateful that I spent those four grueling and memorable weeks with you, couldn’t have asked for a better support group and family.


Powered by Prana Peeps: (starting from left, 2nd row) Ghia, Lina, Anj, Rita, Gia, Shaye, Dexter, Me, Svet, Kat, Ian, Marge and Anna. Missing in photo, Rosan.

Last but not the least, thank you to my family and friends who have been so patient putting up with no-sleep-ME and super-stressed-out ME.  Haha! You guys were and will always be my rock, solid AF.

2017 is around the corner.  My heart is open and full.  I’ve never been happier.
